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Mensajes publicados por GolfTDI115

  1. Si es del 99 no creo que lo lleve, xq en esa epoca todavia no lo montaban, y en el caso que lo lleve, tendras que tener un boton en la consola centrar para activarlo y desactivarlo, estara al lado del Controlde tracción (en caso de llevarlo) o al lado del boton de los 4 Warning.



  2. Sois una panda de ilegales modernos!!!! Acaso no sabeis lo de la laca en la matricula :D:D:D??


    O que me decis de los CD en el crsital trasero?? Esta juventd.. ahora con tos los chismes electronicos... asi no hay emocion!!!! :twisted:


    Un saludo


    Lo de la laca paso a la historia, ahora ya te pillan hasta tapando lo matricula.....jejej

  3. Pues eso que ya venia dandole vueltas desde hace bastante tiempo a comprarme un detector de Radar, mas vale prevenir que curar, ya lo dice el refran.....


    Pues como los he pillado en USA (he mirado las Ondas que rastrea y las que se utilizan en España y Europa y es valido al 100%) el precio era bastante bueno he pillado un par de ellos para probarlos y despues vender el que menos me guste y asi hacer un poquillo de bussines y costearme el que me quede yo.


    Os coloco los modelos para ver si los conoceis y me podeis dar vuestra opinión


    Uniden LRD957 - 360° Laser/L2/L3 Radar Detector with memory




    The LRD 957 radar detector is a mid-range laser/radar detector, available from Uniden. The Uniden LRD 957 is a completely integrated laser/radar detector. It responds to the X, K, and Ka-Super Wideband radar guns in use today and also provides 360° detection of the latest speed monitoring system -- the laser gun. The built-in Safety Warning System (SWS™) is capable of detecting a hazardous warning signal.


    The Uniden LRD 957 radar detector provides distinct visual and audio alerts to warn you of the presence of X, K, and Ka-Super Wideband radar signals as well as IR laser signals and Safety Warning System. You can drive with confidence when you bring along the Uniden LRD 957.


    The Uniden LRD 957 radar detector employs a state-of-the-art electronic system designed to make this radar detector invisible to all current VG-2 radar detectors. The LRD 957 will also warn you of VG-2 use.


    No matter what's lurking ahead or behind you, Uniden's LRD radar detectors protect you in both directions. They even detect road hazard alerts so there won't be any surprises. LRD radar detectors from Uniden, don't dare drive without one.





    360° Laser Detection

    L2/L3™ Detection

    X, K, KA SuperWideband Detection

    Numeric Strength Meter

    VG-2 Warning

    VG-2 Undetectability

    On/Off/Volume Control

    Memory Mode

    Audio Only & Auto Mute

    City/Highway Modes

    SWS™ Alert

    Visual & Audible Alarms


    Included with the Uniden LRD 957


    Windshield Clip with Suction Cups

    Cigarette Lighter Adapter

    Reference Guide

    Fuse (3AG/2 Amp/250V)

    Printed Material

    Hook and Loop Strips (for dashboard mounting)




    Y el Otro


    LRD937 - 360° Laser/L2/L3 Radar Detector




    The LRD 937 radar detector is Uniden's low-end model. The Uniden LRD 937 is a completely integrated laser/radar detector. It responds to the X, K, and Ka-Super Wideband radar guns in use today and also provides 360° detection of the latest speed monitoring system -- the laser gun. The built-in Safety Warning System (SWS™) is capable of detecting a hazardous warning signal.


    The Uniden LRD 937 radar detector provides distinct visual and audio alerts to warn you of the presence of X, K, and Ka-Super Wideband radar signals as well as IR laser signals and Safety Warning System. You can drive with confidence when you bring along the Uniden LRD 937.


    The Uniden LRD 937 radar detector employs a state-of-the-art electronic system designed to make this radar detector invisible to all current VG-2 radar detectors. The LRD 937 will also warn you of VG-2 use.


    No matter what's lurking ahead or behind you, Uniden's LRD radar detectors protect you in both directions. They even detect road hazard alerts so there won't be any surprises. LRD radar detectors from Uniden, don't dare drive without one.




    360° Laser Detection

    L2/L3™ Detection

    X, K, KA SuperWideband Detection

    On/Off/Volume Control

    VG-2 Warning

    VG-2 Undetectability

    Audio Only & Auto Mute

    SWS™ Alert

    City/Highway Modes

    Visual & Audible Alarms


    Included with the Uniden LRD 937


    Windshield Clip with Suction Cups

    Cigarette Lighter Adapter

    Reference Guide

    Fuse (3AG/2 Amp/250V)

    Printed Material

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