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3rd international EOS get together in germany 8th june 2008

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sorry i don´t speak spanish, so i write this text in english.

i would like to inform your, that at 7th / 8th june 08 in Kassel, Germany the 3rd international EOS get together is scheduled.

last year we had 160 international attendes, this year we have space at least 350 cars.

right now we have registered attendes from NL, CZ, GB, maybe also AT, B and F. So if someone of you ist interested give me a short feedback.



Alexander Pöschko



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yo no tengo un Eos, si vale MKI cAbrio o un A4 2.5 tdi 180? la cuestion es que escribo este post, porque hace 11 años estuve por dos años viviendo en Kassel y la verdad me gustaria volver.


por cierto habia una marcha de la ostia.


a ver como sale esa KDD.




Hi Alex,


my name is Igor and i was for two years there in Kassel, in year 1996 more and less, i don´t have any Eos, my car is on GOlf Cabrio MKI, but perhaps if you tell us which place take this meeting, i can help the people here.


thanks and wellcome to this website.


Mit freundlichen Grüssen


Igor Gorostiza

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