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Cambio en el foro


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Buenas !!


Desde hace unos días he notado un cambio en el foro, ahora ya no tengo arriba del todo el hilo en el que estoy para poder ir hacia atrás y adelante y hay cosas que no veo bien. Lo he cambiado a modo híbrido y me sale esto :


En catalunya wagen de Zona...", "02/27/06", "09:14:25", 1); writeLink(486640, 0, 0, 2990, "T", "QUÉ??? Y lleva Bakets?", "02/27/06", "11:09:53", 1); writeLink(486772, 0, 0, 3776, "I,L", "El de Catalunyawagen si no...", "02/27/06", "13:08:25", 1); writeLink(486757, 0, 0, 5017, "T", "En Centric Cars hay un R32...", "02/27/06", "12:53:47", 1); writeLink(486763, 0, 0, 11149, "T", "Igual yo cedo mi R32 previsto...", "02/27/06", "12:58:42", 1); writeLink(486788, 0, 0, 10376, "I,T", ":silvar: \n \nPero ya sólo te...", "02/27/06", "13:22:50", 1); writeLink(487072, 0, 0, 6565, "I,L", "un poquito de paciencia.........", "02/27/06", "16:08:15", 1); writeLink(486803, 0, 0, 11149, "T", "...m'as lo que tarde en...", "02/27/06", "13:32:08", 1); writeLink(486812, 0, 0, 8621, "T", "en santiago hay uno rojo ...", "02/27/06", "13:37:48", 1); writeLink(486835, 0, 0, 10376, "I,L", "Yo estuve en ese...", "02/27/06", "13:50:54", 1); writeLink(487026, 0, 0, 2990, "I,1,T", "que alguien confirme cómo es...", "02/27/06", "15:29:57", 1); writeLink(487069, 0, 0, 10820, "I,1,I,L", "Catalunya Wagen ??", "02/27/06", "16:05:37", 1); writeLink(487639, 0, 0, 10115, "I,1,L", "1.6 102 Cv Gris Shark - Las...", "02/27/06", "22:48:42", 1); writeLink(486849, 0, 0, 7783, "T", "En Barnawagen habia uno en...", "02/27/06", "14:01:01", 1); writeLink(486900, 0, 0, 10321, "I,T", "En autortuño hay uno negro,...", "02/27/06", "14:26:56", 1); writeLink(487027, 0, 0, 10820, "I,T", "**** !!!! yo falto !!...", "02/27/06", "15:30:36", 1); writeLink(487212, 0, 0, 7783, "I,I,L", "...", "02/27/06", "18:00:54", 1); writeLink(487260, 0, 0, 5462, "I,I,1,T", "es que el de barnawagen te...", "02/27/06", "18:50:37", 1); writeLink(487516, 0, 0, 10820, "I,I,1,L", "Ostras !!!", "02/27/06", "21:43:46", 1); writeLink(487034, 0, 0, 4449, "I,L", "A mi me lo vas a decir:risas:...", "02/27/06", "15:37:37", 1); writeLink(487066, 0, 0, 3887, "T", "en la av. navarra de zaragoza...", "02/27/06", "16:02:51", 1); writeLink(487105, 0, 0, 11149, "T", "Pues,..tu lo has dicho -MA-,...", "02/27/06", "16:27:47", 1); writeLink(487588, 0, 0, 4630, "T", "Un poco lejos, en...", "02/27/06", "22:20:22", 1); writeLink(487649, 0, 0, 4449, "L", "Yo en el de Barnawagen fui...", "02/27/06", "22:56:05", 1); writeLink(487902, 0, 0, 10115, "1,L", "R32", "02/28/06", "01:07:18", 1); writeLink(488029, 0, 0, 8371, "2,L", "yo lo he visto en...", "02/28/06", "02:27:43", 1); writeLink(493539, 0, 0, 3297, "3,L", "Bueno, ya he ido a verlo al...", "Hoy", "00:26:27", 1); writeLink(493583, 1, 0, 0, "4,L", "", "more", "", 1); //-->


En modo de hilo se ve todo todavía peor. Me gustaría saber si el problema es mio o es que habeis cambiado algo.


Linux UnderWorldDreams 2.4.32 #2 SMP mié dic 28 00:43:31 CET 2005 i686 GNU/Linux


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; es-ES; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050925 Firefox/1.0.4 (Debian package 1.0.4-2sarge5)


Un saludo !!


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